With 40 years of professional model building experience, we look forward to providing you with the finest quality Injection Molded, Vacuformed, Resin & Vinyl Build-Ups, Custom Dioramas, Metal and 3D Printed Figures, Conversions, Kitbashing, Custom Lighting , Upgrades, Scratchbuilding and Restorations
Each project is built and painted to the highest level of quality. All seams, mold marks, flash, sink holes and imperfections are eliminated before the painting process begins. Any detail which is lost is replaced after the sanding process is completed.

All figures are airbrushed and/or hand painted in acrylics. Advanced techniques such as color blending, oil washes, texture sponging and drybrushing are used to enhance the appearance of the completed project. An acrylic clear top coat is used on each project to protect and preserve the finish . Each project will be built to order according to your specifications.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you,
Barry Magen
Model Builder/Owner
Welcome to
Gemini Model Build-Up Studios
We are a professional full service custom model building and restoration services for collectors of Sci-Fi TV/Movie related models, Vintage Aurora Figure Kits, Adult Fantasy Figures, Prop Replicas , 3D Models and Custom Dioramas.
**We are currently in the process of redesigning and updating the website. Many new projects and hundreds of previously unpublished photos will be added over the next several months so please visit us frequently to view the new content.